Open Air Service on the Green

Village Green

We will be holding our Sunday service on the green. It will be a relaxed cafe style and we welcome everyone. The service will start at 11am. Refreshments will be [...]

Carols by Candlelight

Our annual Carol service takes place on Sunday 17th December at 6pm at St Peter's Church. ALL WELCOME!

Christmas Eve Holy Communion

The Holy Communion service begins at 11pm and we look forward to welcoming you at this very special service.

Christmas Day Service

The Christmas Day service will begin at 10am. We look forward to welcoming you to celebrate together!

Ash Wednesday

A service of Holy Communion will be held at 11.15am in Church

Good Friday service

St Peter's Church

The Good Friday service will take place from 4 pm. All welcome.

Easter Day Services

St Peter's Church

The Easter Day service of Holy Communion will take place at 10am. All Welcome! Easter Praise will be at 6.30pm

St Peter’s Church Away Day

Our next Away Day will be held on Saturday 18th May at St Benedict's Centre in West Malling. Nick Williams is our guest speaker and the day will include lunch, [...]

Service on the Green

We will be together to celebrate Superheroes in the Sunshine! Refreshments and a warm welcome guaranteed! We look forward to welcoming you to this informal family service.

Hope Explored

The Rectory

A three week course looking at the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Providing an opportunity to discover how he fulfils three great longings we all experience. The longing for [...]